The Adrian Police Department is ran by Chief Michael Milton. The Police Department's phone number is 478-668-3374. If you have an emergency we ask that you please call 911.
Located at 304 West Main St. Adrian, GA 31002
The Adrian City Hall is operated by Mayor Wynola Smith, City Clerk Jennifer Roberts, and Deputy Clerk Amber Foskey. We are always happy to assist you and can be reached by phone at City Hall at 478-668-3376 or 478-668-4204. The mayor can be reached at 478-668-3375.
Located at 304 West Main St, Adrian GA 31002
The Water and Street department both work together. The Water Department and Street Department are operated by our full time employees and our part time Water Supervisor Johnny Weathersbee.
Located at 211 West Main St. Adrian, GA 31002

The Adrian Fire Department is ran by our Fire Chief Justin Johnson. The department is filled with volunteer fire fighters and first respondents. If you're interested in volunteering please contact Justin Johnson at
478-595-3454. If you have an emergency please call 911.
Located at 211 West Main St. Adrian, GA 31002